Mini UWH -School Team Manager Information
Start of the League Night
At 4:30 pm, do a roll check and tell your players:
- On the sides of Huia Pool will be 4 crates of gear. The players may use this gear for the game. At the end of the game, equipment must be returned to the original crate. You must strictly enforced this rule as we only have enough gear to outfit 4 teams!
- Use of deep end between games is allowed. No jumping, pushing or use of the slide. No swimming in the small pool.
- Players to listen carefully to coaches instructions, in AND out of the pool.
- Good sportsmanship must be displayed at all times, in AND out of the water. A cheer for the opposition at the end of each game goes down well.
- Each team plays 2 games, with 2 seeding games later in the evening.
- Sub in and out of the water carefully.
- A prize giving for all players commences at 9:20PM
- Do not play in the toilet area – your team will be disqualified if you are found to be inconsiderate or destructive in the toilets/change rooms. Offending players will be removed from the complex immediately if this occurs.
- You are not permitted to leave the complex until 9:30 unless with parents consent.
- Remember, coaches, referees, managers, organisers are here as volunteers for your enjoyment. Treat all of them with respect.
- Have an enjoyable night, with lots of team spirit!
During the evening
- Help ensure gear is returned at the end of each game. Use the snorkel-dunking buckets for sanitation if using hire gear.
- Supervise behaviour of your team around the pool complex (include a “walk through” toilet inspection regularly).
- Encourage the consumption of water /snacks in between games ( kids dehydrate quickly during these evenings).